Saturday, September 28, 2019

Community Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Community Project - Research Paper Example While most people may have little idea on Measles as a contagious infection, it is crucial to note that the disease is very transferable, unbridled, and fatal if not controlled within the predetermined period. The highest case of outburst of Measles was reported back between 1985 and1991. Statistics reveal that during this period, more than 790 cases surfaced. This number comprised 26 cases documented from four states of the US including California, Colorado, Utah and California. The cases were reported of people with running nose, cough, red eyes and sore throat. These are typical signs of measles. More than half, of the 26 were children infested with the virus and not vaccinated It farther shows that the most affected population comprised of the health workers as supported by the data. Of the total cases reported, workers in the health sector accounted for 1.1% and were mainly adults. It is interesting to note that 29% health workers were nurses, 15% were physicians 11% other occupational health workers mainly working in the laboratory and radiological technicians. However, there was a decline in the Measles incidence rates as of 1993 and late 1991 which was a reprieve to the world a little bit. During this period in time, there were as few as less than 40 cases reported. This number comprised of 1.8% health workers mainly the laboratory specialists, clinical officers and nursing professionals. Throughout 1988 to1990, California had its foulest measles endemic in more than a decade, with 16,400 recounted cases, more than 3,390 hospitalized and 75 deaths. The disease aligned in low-income Hispanic populations in central and southern California. The key cause of the endemic was stumpy inoculation levels among preschool-aged kids and young grown-ups. The rates of complications, hospitalization, and death were amazingly

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